Thursday, June 6, 2013

Of popsicles and water balloons

The kids were so excited last Tuesday when we made popsicles and they had a water balloon fight! We did the Sprite & gummy bears popsicles that were so easy and summery - they had a very tropical taste to them. You just fill the popsicle mold 3/4 with Sprite, drop in gummy bears, add the popsicle stick, and freeze. It was interesting trying to get the kids to stop checking on them long enough for them to freeze, but we all enjoyed them once they were done.

I wasn't sure how many water balloons would actually connect since Jake is the only kid with any real coordination... But, they all came inside soaked and seemed to have plenty of fun. It kept the arguing and boredom comments at bay for an afternoon! 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if I could get SJ to eat Popsicles. He's so... Strange.
